

    Turning up on time

    With the premium on courts these days, some home teams are needing to start a little earlier than we used to get away with years ago. These teams are starting earlier so everyone can finish in time to

    • Not have the club turn the lights off half way through the deciding match
    • Get to the pub in time for something to eat

    They also pay for these early courts.

    There have been a few cases recently when the away team roll up late and it has caused difficulty at the end of the night. It's also annoying for the home team who have paid for the courts that were empty for the first half hour or so.

    There are some quite strict rules on turning up late though we've not been applying them. Let's not have to do that. Let's check the start time of the club who are hosting us, and show up on time and in time to get on and get playing. That will not only keep everyone cheerful but you'll get more beer and hotter food at the end of the evening!

